Where to find the Mondstadt fishing association and get recipes for fishing lures in Genshin Impact

Everyone starts with something. To start fishing in Genshin Impact, one of the first places you need to visit is the Mondstadt fishing association. Read on to find out more about where to find it and what you need from it.

Где находится Нантук, поставщик рыболовной ассоциации Мондштадта в Genshin Impact

To the north and east of the city walls is Nantuk. You will see how he throws his own line into the cider-lying, while he is plotting his own fairy tale about the whale.

Что можно получить в Ассоциации рыболовов Мондштадта в Genshin Impact

The most important thing that Nantuck will sell to you is formulas for making fishing lures, except for a fruit pasta bait, which is given to you automatically. He can also give you a fishing rod that facilitates fishing in Mondstadt, but only in exchange for a decent amount of fish.

How to make a fishing bait in Genshin Impact

Are you ready to start fishing line? First you will need to make a bait on the alchemical table. You get 10 pieces of bait every time you create.

Where Looking for other things in mondstat? Check out all the locations of Anemoculus in Genshin Impact or Genshin Impact: where to find the mushroom of philanthrops here, in games for games.


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