Genshin Impact: revealed the banners of the 3.3 and the return of an essential character

At last the live presentation of Genshin Impact corresponding to its next update 3.3 has taken place. Hoover's video game is reinforced with a new very interesting content and the arrival of four banners that promise to put the things very complicated. Do not misunderstand us, the characters that arrive in the next patch are fascinating. Precisely, there is the problem. Even after adding a few free proteges with the new codes, we do not know how we are going to manage when so many incredible units in combat arrive at the game without giving us a few weeks to save.

The new banners that arrive in Genshin Impact on 3.3

As usual, the banners will be divided along the two phases that make up the new update. Keep in mind that in this version we return to the usual calendar, so that each of the puffs will be available for three full weeks. This will make our lives a little easier, having more time to farm the daily missions or take advantage of the lunar blessing to make extra runs. In addition, we have good news.

  • Phase 1: five-star banner for Scaramouche (globetrotter) and Arawak Into. Tarzan will be available in both as a four-star character.
  • Phase 2: Five-star banner for Maiden Shogun and Amato Kamikaze. The four-star characters available are unknown.


The truth is that it is appreciated that from Converse, this time, they have had the courtesy of including the two new characters in the same banner. It is something that did not happen with Leila, which led many players to risk the Pity to get it. We still don't know how important Tarzan could be, but of course getting it if we are interested in Scaramouche will be much more grateful. Of course, we must bear in mind that Maiden Shogun is a must for all the players who do not have it and want to obtain it.

To all these banners you have to add the rumored arrival of HU Tao in update 3.4. There are those who have been waiting for the rerun of the Lancers Pro for more than a year, so we are not going to blame who decides to ignore the prawns of the new version and wait to ensure what is one of the queens of the DPS.


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