Genshin Impact Royinjan's Chapter Linga World Quest - Vimana Agama

Head of Royingjan: Ling is a local task, which is a branch of another task called Viman Agam: Head of Royinjan. Although this is positioned as a quest, the goal is to find one of the mechanical components necessary to complete the comprehensive chapter of Royinjan.

How to unlock the head of Royindzhan: the world task of the Ling Pimer in Genshin Impact

To unlock the chapter of Roginyan: Ling, you first need to execute the first two parts of the quest line of Viman Agama:

  • Vimana Agama: First Chapter
  • Vimana Agama: Head of Royingjan


Closer to the end of the chapter of Royinjan, you will unlock two branches called Linga and Yoni, which can be performed in any order.

How to fulfill the head of Royinjan: the world task of the Ling Pimer in Genshin Impact

Follow the marker of the quest to the cave east of the Mount of Devantac. You will immediately notice good which you must follow , since this is part of the puzzle to scatter the barrier later. Continue to follow good and use signs of four leaves to help you cross the area. As soon as you see a green barrier, you will notice entrance under it .

The first good flies to the barrier, therefore, from the position shown on the image above, slide directly to the entrance, which indicates the arrow, where you will find the second good . You must follow this second good, since it is also part of the puzzle of the scattering of barriers. He will lead you to the nearest platform with a jumping mushroom, and then fly up.

Since good are too high, the jumping mushroom as such is not enough to increase the height of the jump. So apply the electrical to jumping mushroom until it becomes dark green with lines (see the image above). This will increase your jump height, which will allow you to get to good. Follow the good to the barrier where the first good awaits you.

After both good go to their yards, the exquisite chest will appear. The barrier will also be dispersed, and the mechanism is unlocked. interact with the mechanism for draining the water level. After that, jump into the water and swim in the direction of the quest marker.

You will find yourself before the blocked way. Equip Vintage lyre and play rhythm of vamadhi ( phase> mi> mi> re> do in the first line), then attack the lock to open the way. Once inside, you need to solve the Dendro Monument puzzle. Keep in mind that there are two guards of the ruins that you can win so that they do not bother you.

First you need to call on dendrogran through a nearby favorable branch, then attack flying shells to print the Dendro monuments. You can follow green traces Find all three. As soon as this is done, use Dendrograna or Dendro applicator to attack each of the monuments in any order to complete the puzzle. You will be rewarded luxurious chest and a barrier that blocks the way forward will also dissipate.

interact with the mechanism to lower the water level. As soon as this is done, go further into the cave and follow the quest marker to interact with a luminous research point and complete the world task. You will get one mechanical component to count on achieving the goal in Vimana Agama: Royinjan’s Chapter.

Check out our Yoni world guides in the head of Genshin Impact Royinjan-Vimana AGAMA To complete another branch of this chain of world tasks.


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