Tea Vimana Agama World Quest in Genshin Impact has many complex puzzles and mandatory tasks that you must complete for a larger mission of the game. With this guide, we will help you throughout your trip and give you details about each arch of this long adventure.

Genshin Impact Vimana AGAMA Search guide

Source: Mihoyo through Royinjan chapter

When exploring the Devantaka mountains on the Sumeru map, you will see the reference point for Vimana Agama World Quest, a mission that is part of Aranyaka: Part 2. From this genshin Impact the story has several adventures and battles, we will break down each chapter to help you With this task.

Vimana Agama: First Chapter

The players will have to venture through the mountains to find strange points illuminated with an arrow throughout the area. Some of them are easy to find, but sometimes the game requires that you use four-leaf steil and tree bridges to reach the designated location.

You will find Jazari later, who will help you find an old Amiti device to open a Ruin Golem. Players must travel with him to Port Ormos and barter with a merchant, Royinjan, for a mysterious mechanism that costs 500 000 Mora. Be sure to choose a price that is better for you.

Source: Mihoyo through Royinjan chapter

Once this interaction ends, he will inform you about a secret basis in Vimara Village, which will result in the next step of the search in Genshin Impact.

Vimana Agama: Royinjan chapter

While addressing the secret base, you will have to play the rhythm of Vamadha to clear a block, similar to the minigame, rhythm of the great dream. After doing this, hits the barrier with any attack to ‘convert the Vamadha’.

In this cave, you will dig up the Amiti device that will be marked with a route point, unlocking two more submissions for the Vimana Mission Agama. The players will have to finish the stories, Royinjan chapter: Linga and Royinjan chapter: Yoni, to continue advancing in this particular task.

Royinjan Chapter: Linga

Source: Mihoyo through Royinjan chapter

The entrance to the submerged cave can be found near the teleport waypoint inside the Devantaka mountains (you should see an entrance right next to it). You will have to follow two seels who will then unlock the water drainage mechanism: one is close to the water under you, and the other is inside a room under the bucket tool.

After a while, one of the Seelies will be well above a mushroom bounce, and you must use one of your electro users to boost your jump.

Once you finally drain the water, there is a cave directly under this specific location, where you must touch the rhythm of vamadha and hit a large rock to activate another cube tool. When doing this interaction, players will now have the first mechanical component for the Royinjan chapter.

Royinjan Chapter: Yoni

Source: Mihoyo through Royinjan chapter

The next mechanical component is inside the same cave where you met Jazari for the first time, and you can use the four-sheet stamps to guide the designated location. Unfortunately, the entrance is blocked by a barrier, and you must use the nearby dendrgran source to tear down the structure.

Next, players must clean a withered area to get the mechanical component and, therefore, finish the rest of this mission.


Once the two mechanical components acquire, you will return to the secret base and talk to Royinjan to get the amiti device fragments.

Vimana Agama: Jazari Chapter

The next phase of this Genshin Impact the mission is Jazari's chapter, the final part of this Ruin Golem saga. One of the first things you will do is activate the relays under the great circular structure (defeat the enemy there to move freely).

When you activate the relays, you must go to the average level to connect the four, activating an elevator mechanism that can take it there. The puzzle with this level is complicated, and you will have to move from one place to another to complete this goal.

* Take the energy stone of the relay that has no door.

Most relays are blocked by a door that can only be opened when you have enough energy resources, and you must gradually activate them to connect them to the four.

* Go to the next relay that only requires an energy stone to enter.

Get the energy stone of the second relay and close the door. Now I should have two elements to unlock the following mechanism.

* Unlock the third relay.

After placing the energy sources in the third relay, you should have three elements floating around you to activate the last. Then, return to all the previous relays and turn them on (the last is the mechanism that has no door).

Once you activate all the relays, you will start a battle with Black Serpent Knight and you will make another puzzle, where you can use the elevator near Jazari to reach the upper level. Players can get the first energy source in the relay to unlock the door to the right, which has the second energy component that activates the other mechanism.

Finally you will enter the great circular structure to start the Ruin Golem, thus completing Jazari's chapter in Genshin Impact.


The players will discover a new area under the arm of the Ruin Golem, located in a cave with a Waypoint teleport. During this time, you must defeat Abyss Mage in three locations, which are responsible for the disease that plagues the forest.

It is best to have a Hydro and Pyro character in your group, since you will need to eliminate enemies with certain elements. At some point, you will also have to stop Abyss reader: Violet Lightning to turn off the evil device and save the earth.

That is enough for our guide on Genshin Impact world search by Vimana Agama . You can also consult the relevant links below to get more content about the game and see other missions, including Varuna Gatha, Agnihotra Sutra and an unwavering culinary dream.

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