Space Pirate PvPvE Predatory Shooter Marauders Closed Beta for Steam Held from July 20th-Reservation Purchasers Only

Team17 has released a trailer for Steam, announcing the closed beta of Small Impact Games' Marauders predatory PvPvE shooter.

Marauders This work is an online multi-FPS with PvP and PvE elements set in a dystopian universe. As a space pirate, you can team up with up to three other players to advance through the harsh battlefields, survive fierce battles with other teams and enemy AI, and acquire valuable plunder and new weapons and equipment. I will get it. This time, only pre-order buyers will be able to participate in the closed beta on Steam from July 20th to 25th local time. Beta testing also includes improvements to various elements, including two new raid locations, two new weapons, and the addition of a heavy gunpowder called scrap bomb from the closed alpha version. In addition to the qualifications for closed beta participation, pre-order purchasers on Steam also seem to have benefits such as special in-game skins and 10% off the purchase price.

The predatory PvPvE shooter Marauders will be open for Steam from July 20th to 25th local time for pre-orderers only. Early access for Steam, Game Preview via PC Game Pass will be launched in late 2022.


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