EVE online developers report over 70,000 account bans in 2021

The developers of the EVE online game talked about the work of the Security team in 2021 and shared their numbers and achievements.

During 2021, Team Security banned a total of 70,492 accounts.

Most accounts are blocked immediately after their automatic creation, even before the first entry into the game. Software methods of deception are improving every year and developers are always trying to track and stop such attempts.

Players help identify most bot growers through the in-game report form. The simplest and by far the most effective tool in your fight is in-game bot reports. In 2021 alone, the Security team received 137,183 reports from 41,651 users via the in-game reporter bot. Every message is considered and this tool has proven to be extremely effective in investigating and destroying bots.

RMT is also often revealed through messages from the players themselves.

The Fighting in-game bots is a never ending process, simply because not only our team is constantly evolving. The software used by the bots is updated frequently, often in response to EVE Online updates, and we always see this as a challenge to deal with.

The security team is also investigating hacking of accounts that are most often associated with RMT activities. When a player's account is hacked, their assets (ships, modules, etc.) are quickly sold on the in-game market for ISK, which are then sold to other players or used to buy skill injectors, PLEX, or expensive ships that are sold through third-party sites.


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